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  2. stably造句 “胡萝卜”的英文怎么读?

stably造句 “胡萝卜”的英文怎么读?


1. “Stably”作为动词,在句子中表示稳定地进行或保持某种状态。例如:“The computer system stably runs without any glitches.”(计算机系统稳定地运行,没有任何故障。)

2. “Stably”也可以作为副词,修饰动词或形容词,表达稳定地进行或保持某种状态。例如:“The company has stably increased its annual profits for the past five years.”(该公司过去五年里年利润稳定地增长。)

3. 结构化的工作安排有助于团队工作的稳定性和行之有效的实施。例如:“By creating stably organized work schedules, we can ensure the smooth operation of our team and successful completion of tasks.”(通过创建结构化的工作安排,我们可以确保团队的稳定运行和任务的成功完成。)

4. 采取适当的措施,我们可以使家庭生活更加稳定。例如:“By establishing effective communication and setting clear boundaries, we can create a stably harmonious home environment.”(通过建立有效的沟通和设定清晰的界限,我们可以打造一个家庭生活稳定和谐的环境。)


  • --- 1. “Stably”作为动词,在句子中表示稳定地进行或保持某种状态。例如:“The computer system stably runs without any glitches.”(计算机系统稳定地运行,没有任何故障。) 2