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  2. agskins 贴膜英文怎么说?

agskins 贴膜英文怎么说?

I. Introduction *use "agskins" as the title*

In this article, we will explore the different types of screen protectors or skins for mobile phones. We will discuss their materials, characteristics, and popularity in the mobile accessories market. Additionally, we will look into the translation of related terms in English, Japanese, and Korean. Let's dive into the world of agskins!

II. Mobile Phone Screen Protectors

1. PVC Material

PVC material is commonly used for screen protectors due to its soft texture and easy application. However, it is known to have rough craftsmanship, simple packaging, and low scratch resistance, resulting in a shorter lifespan. It has been largely replaced by improved versions of PVC protectors, which do not leave adhesive residue or impact the display quality.

2. PET Material

PET, short for Polyethylene Terephthalate, is the most common material used for screen protectors. It is often included as a standard accessory with well-known phone brands. PET protectors have a refined design, excellent transparency, and strong resistance to friction and scratches. They are usually applied using static cling design, allowing for multiple usage after cleaning with water.

3. ARM Material

ARM material is considered the highest quality screen protector available in the market. It undergoes special treatment to enhance its flexibility, anti-friction properties, and high transparency. Some ARM protectors are specifically designed to prevent glare and protect privacy. While these high-quality protectors are more expensive, they are highly valued by consumers.

III. Translations of Mobile Phone Terms

1. Cellphone Screen Protector: The English translation of "手机贴膜."

2. Phone Skins: The English translation of "手机贴膜."

3. Car Windows Films: The English translation of "汽车贴膜."

4. Screen Protection Film: The English translation of "屏幕保护膜."

5. Screen Protectors: The English translation of "手机膜" and "手机保护套."

IV. Yunmeng Local Snacks

1. Chopping the Bar: This snack comes in rectangular or circular shapes. It is commonly filled with salty ingredients, but the larger round ones may be sweet. Chopping the Bar is a popular breakfast option in Yunmeng, known for its convenience, affordability, and delicious taste.

2. Beans Cover: This traditional snack is believed to have originated in Yunmeng in 1931. It is made by mixing bean, rice, and starch to create a thin, golden and crispy cover. It comes in various flavors and is a favored street food option.

3. Glutinous Rice Cake: Also known as "糍粑," glutinous rice cake has a long history in Hubei. It is a traditional food for festivals and celebrations. Glutinous rice cake symbolizes continuous improvement, reflecting the desire for a better year ahead. It can be fried, roasted, boiled, or sun-dried, and is considered a representative food of Hubei's folk traditions.

4. Spring Dumplings: A popular folk snack in Yunmeng, spring dumplings are made with local vegetables and lean meat, wrapped in thin flour dough and deep-fried. It is a delicious and affordable treat during the festive season, loved by both the young and old.

5. Eager Candy: Eager candy, also known as "焦切糖," is sweet and crispy. Its name was changed to bring good fortune and there is an interesting story behind it.

6. Fish Noodles: Yunmeng is known for its abundant fish and shrimp production. Fish noodles are a specialty dish made from carefully selected fresh fish meat and high-quality flour. They are famous for their shape, color, fragrance, and taste, and are considered a fine Hubei delicacy.

V. Conclusion

In Yunmeng, screen protectors, also known as "贴膜," come in different materials such as PVC, PET, and ARM. Each material has its own characteristics and benefits. Additionally, Yunmeng offers a variety of delicious local snacks, including Chopping the Bar, Beans Cover, Glutinous Rice Cake, Spring Dumplings, Eager Candy, and Fish Noodles. These snacks showcase the unique flavors and traditions of Yunmeng and are loved by both locals and visitors.

Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is based on the original text's content and may be subject to translation errors or inaccuracies.

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