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Hooked hooked是什么意思

I. Hooked meaning and synonyms

1) The word "hooked" means being captivated or addicted.

2) It can be used as an adjective to describe something that is curved or has a hook shape.

3) Synonyms for hooked include curved, captivated, and addicted.

II. Examples of hooked in sentences

1) He was thin and tall, with a hooked nose. (adj. curved)

2) Her thumbs were hooked into the pockets of her jeans. (adj. with a hook shape)

3) He hooked his foot under the stool and dragged it over. (v. hooked, meaning to hold or catch with a hook-shaped object)

4) They have an incentive to keep us hooked. (v. hooked, meaning to lure or deceive)

5) Reading magazines like The Stockman Rrass Farmer and Graze, he got hooked on the idea of grass-fed agriculture. (v. hooked, meaning to become captivated or addicted)

III. Translation of "hook" into Chinese

The translation of "hook" into Chinese is "钩子" or "挂钩".

IV. Pronunciation and forms of "hook"

1) British pronunciation: [hʊk]

American pronunciation: [hʊk]

2) Hook can be used as both a noun and a verb.

- As a noun, it refers to a hook-shaped object or trap.

- As a verb, it means to catch or deceive with a hook-shaped object or to cause someone to become addicted.

V. Collocations with "hook"

1) hook up: to connect or flirt

2) on the hook: responsible or obligated

3) off the hook: released from responsibility or obligation

4) by hook or by crook: by any means necessary

5) get the hook: to be fired

6) hook, line, and sinker: completely or unquestioningly

VI. Examples of usage

1) He hung his coat on the hook.

2) She hooked her arm in his.

3) I managed to hook a big fish.

4) He got off the hook because of his lawyer.

5) They hooked up the trailer to the car.

6) He fell for the scam hook, line, and sinker.

VII. Meaning of the phrase "we are hooked"

"We are hooked" means that we are captivated or addicted to something.

VIII. Meaning and usage of "hooked"

1) Hooked can be used as an adjective to describe someone or something that is addicted or captivated.

2) It can also be used as a past participle of the verb "hook," meaning to catch or deceive.

IX. Examples of usage

1) I'm hooked on this TV series.

2) The fish was hooked by the bait.

3) He's hooked up the new sound system.

4) She fell for his lies hook, line, and sinker.

5) He's been hooking rugs for years.

  • I. Hooked meaning and synonyms 1) The word "hooked" means being captivated or addicted. 2) It can be used as an adjective to describe something that is curved
    2023年07月29日hooked是什么意思挂钩用英语怎么说英语the person is “hooked”怎么翻译?