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torn torn怎么读

TORN: Understanding the Word and Its Usage

I. How to Pronounce "Torn":

- In British English: 【tɔːn】

- In American English: 【tɔːrn】

- It is a verb and its original form is "tear."

II. Definitions and Phrases Associated with "Torn":

- Network interpretations: to tear, to rip, to damage, to tear open, to tear apart, to tear off

- Examples of phrases:

a. "That's torn it": It means "it's all ruined" or "things have gone bad."

b. "Torn apart": It means to be devastated, heartbroken, or torn to pieces.

c. "Torn off": It means to rip off, tear off, or open forcefully.

III. Usage of the Word "Torn":

1. The economic recession has torn the country's economy apart, causing extensive damage.

2. He was torn between fulfilling his duty and following his instincts, causing him great distress.

3. The strong wind tore open a rift in the clouds, allowing rays of sunlight to shine through.

4. Someone has torn a page away from the rest of its fellows in the book.

5. A brutal civil war has torn the country apart, leaving it in ruins.

IV. The Original Form of "Torn":

- The root form of "torn" is "tear," which can be used as both a verb and an adjective.

- As a verb: to tear, rip, damage, break, crack, strain (muscles or ligaments), sprint, shed tears

- As an adjective: undecided, indecisive, in a dilemma, wavering.

V. Examples of the Word "Torn":

1. He suffered torn ligaments in his knee.

2. Torn muscles retract and lose strength, structure, and tightness.

3. She was unable to tear her eyes away from him, showing her reluctance.

4. Someone has torn a page out of this book, leaving a gap.

5. The memory brought a tear to her eye, making her eyes fill with tears.

VI. Torn in Other Contexts:

- Torn City: an online text-based role-playing game launched in 2004, allowing players to interact, complete tasks, earn money, and buy items.

- Torn (or Tornado Cash): a privacy-focused transaction protocol on the Ethereum blockchain, aiming to enhance transaction privacy and anonymity using zero-knowledge proofs (zk-SNARKs).

VII. TORN as a Cryptocurrency:

- TORN is the abbreviation for Tornado Cash, an ERC20-compatible token on the TRON platform. It is used in decentralized protocol applications, ensuring privacy and anonymity in digital transactions.

VIII. Understanding Tokens:

- Tokens, also known as token coins, are a form of currency with specific shapes and sizes, and they have certain uses. Unlike conventional currency, tokens do not have a general purchasing power. They can be divided into native tokens (built-in tokens) and asset-backed tokens.

Note: The provided information is based on the given content and does not include additional sources or references.

  • TORN: Understanding the Word and Its Usage I. How to Pronounce "Torn": - In British English: 【tɔːn】 - In American English: 【tɔːrn】 - It is a verb and i