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  2. 中国的国宝是什么用英语怎么说



1. "中国的国宝"翻译为英文为"national treasure of China"。

2. 英文中有几个词可以表示"国宝"的意思,包括"national treasure"、"national gem"、"national pride"。

3. "国宝"表示国家珍视和重视的宝贵遗产,是每个国家和民族的象征和骄傲。在中国,熊猫被公认为国宝。Panda is the national treasure of China. 在其他国家,如澳大利亚的袋鼠、英国的知更鸟、泰国的大象、德国的鹿也被视为该国的国宝。

It is a national treasure of China.

"Panda, as a national treasure of China" in Chinese can be translated as "熊猫是中国的国宝" in English. The translation of "national treasure" as "国宝" is generally understood as something highly valued and symbolizes national pride in a country. In China, the panda is recognized as the national treasure. Panda is the national treasure of China. In other countries, creatures such as kangaroo in Australia, robin in the UK, elephant in Thailand, and deer in Germany are also regarded as national treasures.

It is a national treasure of China.

  • 中国的国宝用英语怎么说: 1. "中国的国宝"翻译为英文为"national treasure of China"。 2. 英文中有几个词可以表示"国宝"的意思,包括"national treasure"、"national gem"、"