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画蛇添足寓意英文 画蛇添足的英语翻译


1. Superfluous:

The English translation of "画蛇添足" can be "superfluous". It means something that is unnecessary, excessive, or extra. A Chinese idiom is equivalent to the English phrase "to gild the lily", which refers to doing something that is redundant or unnecessary.

2. Gild the lily:

Another English phrase that has a similar meaning to "画蛇添足" is "gild the lily". Both phrases indicate doing something that is unnecessary and adds unneeded embellishment. Similarly, they suggest that something is already perfect or complete and does not need any further improvement.

3. Story from Warring States period:

During the Warring States period in ancient China, there was a man in the State of Chu who hosted a sacrifice. After the ceremony, he rewarded his servants with a beaker of wine. The servants decided to have a competition to determine who would get the wine. They would draw a snake, and whoever finished first would be the winner. One man finished quickly and decided to add feet to his snake while waiting for the others. However, another servant finished before him and claimed the wine, pointing out that snakes do not have feet. This story illustrates the concept of "画蛇添足" as doing something that is unnecessary and can have negative consequences.

4. Idiom's origin:

The idiom "画蛇添足" originates from an ancient Chinese story during the Warring States period. The story involves a man who draws a snake and adds feet to it. However, another person points out that snakes don't have feet, highlighting the unnecessary and excessive nature of the first person's actions. The idiom is now used to refer to actions that are redundant, unnecessary, or counterproductive.

5. Gilding the lily:

The phrase "gilding the lily" can also be used in a similar context to "画蛇添足". It refers to adding unnecessary embellishments or improvements to something that is already perfect or complete. Just as adding feet to a snake is unnecessary, gilding the lily suggests doing more than what is needed or appropriate.

6. Don't spoil something good:

The concept of "画蛇添足" is similar to the English saying "don't spoil something good". Both convey the idea of not overdoing or overcomplicating something that is already satisfactory or well-done. It emphasizes the importance of knowing when to stop and not adding unnecessary elements that might ruin the original intention or design.

7. Avoid overkill:

Another way to convey the meaning of "画蛇添足" in English is with the phrase "avoid overkill". It suggests that it is better to keep things simple and not go beyond what is required or necessary. Just as adding extra features to a snake would be excessive, overkill can have a negative impact and result in diminishing returns or even damage the original intention.

8. Don't overdo things:

The concept of "画蛇添足" can also be understood as not overdoing things. It signifies the importance of being mindful of one's actions and not taking unnecessary or excessive steps. Just as adding feet to a snake serves no purpose, overdoing things can lead to negative consequences or produce suboptimal results.

9. Actions without purpose:

"画蛇添足" can be translated as taking actions without purpose or adding unnecessary elements. It implies that one's efforts or actions are wasted or do not contribute to the desired outcome. It serves as a reminder to focus on what is essential and avoid engaging in activities that do not serve a meaningful purpose.

10. Do what is necessary:

On the contrary, the phrase "画蛇添足" highlights the importance of doing what is necessary without going beyond the requirements. It emphasizes the need for efficiency and effectiveness in one's actions and avoiding extra or wasteful efforts. By focusing on what truly matters, one can achieve better results without adding unnecessary embellishments.

  • 画蛇添足寓意英文 1. Superfluous: The English translation of "画蛇添足" can be "superfluous". It means something that is unnecessary, excessive, or extra. A Chin