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拿起英语翻译 拿起用英语怎么说


1. "拿起"怎么用英语表达

1.pick up


3.例句:Anthony picked himself up and set off along the track. (安东尼自己爬起来,然后沿着跑道继续走。)

2. "拿起、放下"的英语表达

1.pick up (拿起)

2.put down / lay down (放下)

3. "拿起"该怎么说?

- take up sth.

4. "拿起"的英语翻译

1.lift, take up, pick up, seize


3.He picked up the phone expecting to hear the chairman's gruff voice. (他拿起电话,期待能听到主席粗哑的声音。)

4.Mrs. Malone took up the poker and stirred at the little fire burning beside her. (马隆夫人拿起扑克,搅动着烧着的小火。)

5.He seized a shovel and set to. (他拿起一把铲子开始工作。)

6.He lifted the phone and dialed her number. (他拿起电话,拨打了她的号码。)

5. "to get"和"up"的意思分别是什么?

1.up (在上面,在高处; 起床,起来; 向上; 由低到高)

2.举例:They were climbing up a narrow mountain road. (他们正在爬上一条狭窄的山路。)

3.get up (起床)

4.举例:He needs to get up early tomorrow for work. (他明天得早起上班。)

  • 拿起英语翻译 1. "拿起"怎么用英语表达 1.pick up 2.意思:捡起、接载、学会、逮捕 3.例句:Anthony picked himself up and set off along the track. (安东尼自己爬起来,然