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has英语怎么读 单词


一、词性 (两段重复内容合并)

1. has是英语单词,主要用作动词,意为“有,吃,得袭消到,从事,允许,雇用,享有(have的第三人称单数);(亲属关系中)接受;拿;买到”


1. Olympus Has Fallen - 奥林匹斯的陷落

2. Morning Has Broken - 破晓

3. Rumour Has It - 有谣言说

4. The Eagle Has Landed - 猛鹰突击兵团

5. A new day has come - 因为真爱来搭谨临

6. Time has passed - 时光逝去了

7. Winter has come - 冬天在我的心里


1. The relationship between the police and the local community has improved - 警察和当地民众之间的关系已经得到改善

2. Down through the years this town has seen many changes - 这些年来这座城市发生了许多变化

3. The new drug has great significance for the treatment of the disease - 这种新药对于这种病的治疗有重大的意义

4. There has been a lot of resistance to this new law - 这项新的法规已经遇到很多的抵制

1. 每个乌云有银边 - every cloud has a silver lining

2. 每个人都有得意的时候 - every dog has his day

3. 每个人都有得意的时候 - every dog has its day

4. 每个人都有价格 - every man has his price

5. 牡丹飞,每的逃开了 - the bird has flown

6. 轮子已经转了一整圈 - the wheel has come full circle

7. 在马逃出后锁上马厩的门 - shut the stable door after the horse has bolted

8. 你为什么不说话了 - has the cat got your tongue?

9. 人必要为自己的行动负责 - one has made one's bed and must lie on it

10. 某物已经注定是某人的 - something has someone's name on it

11. 事情已经转了一圈 - the wheel has turned full circle

12. 在马已逃走之后锁马厩的门

13. 人必须为自己的所为乃是意料之内 - one has made one's bed and must lie in it

14. 马过后马厩的门再检点 - bolt the stable door after the horse has bolted

15. 无暇伸息, 急迫之下

16. 事情没有转折是是冗长的 - it's a long lane that has no turning

17. 以前法语特别烂

如何读音英文中的has?has读作/hæz, həz/。

  • 如何读音英文中的has? 一、词性 (两段重复内容合并) 1. has是英语单词,主要用作动词,意为“有,吃,得袭消到,从事,允许,雇用,享有(have的第三人称单数);(亲属关系中)接受;拿;买到” 二、相关短
    2023年08月06日has英语怎么读 单词has用英语怎么读