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neutral neutral怎么读


作为形容词,neutral可表示中立的、中性的、空调搆挡的、素洁的。比如:He took a neutral stance in the debate (他在辩论中保持中立立场);The color beige is considered a neutral shade (米色被认为是一种中性色调)。

作为名词,neutral可表示中立者、空档位置。比如:The judge must remain a neutral (法官必须保持中立);I put the car in neutral and stopped at the traffic ligh 的)。


与Neutral相近的词包括impartial(公正的)、just(公正的)fair(公平的)obj h 刈备金集 pro 守镑】刀iectiye(客观的),它们均与中立、公正等概念有联系。


1. Before making a decision, it is important to be neutral and consider all perspectives. 在做决定前,保持中立并考虑各方观点十分重要。

2. The mediator acted as a neutral third party to help resolve the conflict. 调解员起到了中立的第三方作用,帮助解决争端。

3. The journalist strived to present the news in a neutral and unbiased manner. 新闻记者力求以中立、客观的方式报道新闻。

4. During the negotiation process, it is essential to establish a neutral ground where both parties can discuss their concerns. 在谈判过程中,建立一个中立的平台让双方能够讨论各自的关切是至关重要的。

  • 一、neutral的释义: 作为形容词,neutral可表示中立的、中性的、空调搆挡的、素洁的。比如:He took a neutral stance in the debate (他在辩论中保持中立立场);The color beige